Strengere maatregelen of juist niet?

Kans om opgenomen te worden of te overlijden als je positief getest bent, gemiddelde over de laatste 4 weken.


We set highway speeding limits to maximize convenience at what we consider an acceptable risk to human life. It is statistically certain that every year, there will be tens of thousands of driving deaths. A considerable portion of those deaths could be averted by “following the science” of force and velocity and enforcing a speed limit of, say, 15 miles an hour. But we tolerate motor-vehicle deaths because we value driving 75 miles an hour on the highway, and up to 55 miles an hour in cities, more than we do saving those thousands of lives. When those deaths come—more than 100 a day in 2019—we do not cancel the policy. Nor would it be logical to cancel a liberal highway speed because a legislator who voted for it died in a car accident.

We could reduce coronavirus transmission to zero by locking everyone in a separate cell until a vaccine was developed. There are some public-health experts who from the start appeared ready to implement such radical social distancing. The extent to which we veer from that maximal coronavirus protection policy depends on how we value its costs and the competing goods: forgone life-saving medical care and deaths of despair from unemployment and social isolation, on the one hand, and the ability to support one’s family through work and to build prosperity through entrepreneurship, on the other. The advocates of maximal lockdowns have rarely conceded such trade-offs, but they are ever-present.


Reopening is still the right policy. Mandatory outdoor mask-wearing is merely a way for government to turn citizens into walking billboards of fear, sending the false message that danger is everywhere. Infection rarely leads to death. Most of the infected recover. Given his governmental duties, the surprise is that Trump—as president, another kind of front-line worker—has not gotten sick before now.


OMT adviseerde kabinet strengere maatregelen te treffen

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Een Reactie op “Strengere maatregelen of juist niet?

  1. Johan P

    Gewoon alles opendoen.
    Kijk naar het RIVM en hoe die de cijfers manipuleert door een grafiek het nieuws in te gooien die het doet voorkomen alsof er een enorme toename is. Vanaf juni dan wel. Kijk je naar dezelfde data vanaf pak m beet januari en je ziet dat deze ‘enorme piek’ slechts een heel klein rimpeltje is.
    Zieken in quarantaine, risicogroepen de keus en de kans geven zelf in quarantaine te gaan, maar de gezonde populatie zsm weer voluit er tegen aan laten gaan.

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